As a Library Hero, you can pay it forward, spread the gift of literacy, and grow the services the library provides. We are asking for your support at this time to help keep library programs operating successfully.
Please donate to the Stanislaus Library Foundation – it’s easy, you may either donate online or download the donation form & mail it to us.
Try Our New Donate QR Code to donate with Paypal or Credit Card!
Point your camera at the QR code to open the link

How to Donate to the Library Foundation:
Use the Library Foundation Paypal website to pay with
your credit card or with your Paypal account
Click the yellow Donate button below.
Or you may download the donation form below:
CLICK HERE to download the Library Foundation Donation Form
If you have questions, call me at (209) 523-9083.
Sincerely, Jane Manley 2019 Chairperson
How You Can Make a Difference:
Make a tax-deductible donation to the Foundation: It’s easy to mail a donation. Make the check out to Stanislaus Library Foundation and mail it to the Stanislaus County Library Foundation, PO Box 4862, Modesto, CA 95352-4862. Be sure to include your name, phone number, and address. Please download the Donate Form, fill it out & include it with your check.
The Stanislaus County Library provides many services for our citizens. However, even with a voter-approved 1/8th cent sales tax, the library budget is not able to provide for those enrichment programs that are so important in building a healthy community.
The Foundation is here to bridge this funding gap. Our focus: programs that support literacy and youth. Our long term-goal is to build a self-sustaining endowment fund to ensure future programs, while continuing to support the library’s current needs.
Your gift, whether in dollars, time, or a service, is important.
You Can Also:
- Go to the library….take a friend!
- Attend our events
- Volunteer at your branch library
- Shop at Amazon & Barnes & Noble
5. Barnes & Noble whenever you shop online. You can do your shopping and raise funds for the Stanislaus Library Foundation. The Foundation receives a portion of your expenditures when you use Barnes & Noble but only if you use as your gateway into that web site. It’s easy to do. For every purchase you make by going in through the Foundation’s web site, the Foundation receives a donation from Barnes & Noble. The donation is four to six percent of your purchase price. These donations do add up and the Stanislaus Library Foundation makes excellent use of the funds. If you are interested in funding a project or program to honor a loved one, please call 209-353-3500 or e-mail the Foundation at stanlibfoundation@gmail with your name and phone number. We’ll give you a call to discuss your idea. Create a legacy by designating a portion of your assets to the Foundation through a bequest in your will. Bequests enable individuals to make gifts that they may not have been able to make during their lives. The gift of time is also important. Do you have a talent for book mending? Are you willing to deliver books to people who cannot drive to the library due to health issues? Do you enjoy helping an adult learn to read? Perhaps you’re even interested in joining the Foundation Board. We can help you find the perfect fit. Just e-mail us with your name and phone number. We’ll be in touch.
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